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Update on the state…

Michigan Capitol Report

by John Tuinstra, Legislative Liaison

Little Lobbyists Visit Speaker Chatfield’s Office at the State House Of Representatives

As a first step to move toward a Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, thirteen pro-family advocates visited the office of the Speaker of the Michigan House of Representatives. We were received cordially and had a productive conversation.

Pastor Dave Sexton of Speaker Lee Chatfield’s home district arranged the meeting. Pastor Sexton’s wife and children, plus his sister-in-law and her children along with Paulette Brack, State Coordinator for PRO, John Tuinstra, Legislative Liaison for PRO, and Alan Provins, a Detroit engineer and volunteer for PRO met briefly with the Speaker, and then with three staff members for more than an hour, explaining why we need the amendment and what it would say and do.

Clare, Clare
in the Speaker’s Chair!

Paulette’s 4-year old granddaughter during our day with Speaker Chatfield and his staff.

The PRO team offered well-prepared wording for a concurrent resolution in the Michigan Legislature which would ask the U.S. Congress to pass the Amendment and present it to the states for ratification. 

A similar resolution passed the MI House during the 2011-12 session, but did not get adequate consideration in the MI Senate. Another effort towards a resolution was attempted in 2013-14 session where John and Paulette testified in committee and met with more than sixty members of the MI Legislature. No resolution was requested in the 2015-16 or 2017-18 sessions due to the late introduction of the Amendment in the US Congress.

The intent of the October, 2019 meeting  was to form a strategy in the Legislature to move the resolution toward passage in the 2019-20 session. 

The friendly welcome from Speaker Chatfield and the staff, including the chance for one little lobbyist to try out the Speaker’s chair were greatly appreciated, as was that long trip by the little lobbyists and their parents.

Hats Off…to Pastor Dave Sexton for arranging our meeting with Speaker Lee Chatfield and his amazing staff!